Every registered voter in New York can now vote by mail

There are no special requirements, and you don’t need an excuse or reason. You just need to be registered and ready to vote!

Voting early by mail is a safe, easy, and secure option.

Request your mail ballot today.

How to Vote by Mail

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an Early Mail Ballot and an Absentee Ballot?

Starting in 2024, any registered voter can vote using an Early Mail Ballot.

If you’re confused, you’re not alone – the difference stems from New York state law. Previously, voters were only able to vote early by mail by requesting an absentee ballot, which required a valid reason for being unable to vote in-person such as being out of town, illness or injury, or being incarcerated pre-trial or for a misdemeanor.

Voting via Absentee Ballot is still a valid option, but now any voter can request an Early Mail Ballot. The most important thing for voters to know is that in New York, no excuse needed.

No matter if you request an Early Mail or Absentee Ballot, your vote will count just the same – as long as it is postmarked by November 5.

Can I still vote in person if I request or submit a mail ballot?

If you requested a mail ballot, then you should plan to vote with it. You can drop off your completed absentee ballot at any voting site while polls are open.

However, if for any reason you choose to vote in person after requesting an absentee ballot, you will have to vote with an affidavit ballot at your poll site.

This ballot will look different. Ask a poll worker for help if you need it.

Can I vote absentee in person?

Sounds strange, but you can! You can vote absentee in person at your borough’s Board of Elections office. Offices are open 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, and on the weekend prior to Election Day.

This can be a helpful option if you miss the deadline to request a ballot online or by mail. On Election Day offices are open until 9pm. Find your local Board of Elections office.

Can I join a permanent absentee ballot list?

Yes! If you are permanently ill or disabled and cannot get to your poll site, you can join the Board of Elections permanent absentee ballot list. To join, check the box marked “permanent illness or physical disability” on the Absentee Ballot application. The Board of Elections will automatically send you an absentee ballot application for every election you are qualified to vote in.

What are the requirements for an accessible ballot?

To request an accessible ballot, you must be a registered voter in New York City with a print disability including blindness, low vision, dyslexia, dysgraphia, learning disabilities, and those that limit writing abilities. Once voters have requested an accessible ballot, they are responsible for printing, signing, and returning their ballot.

Voting on an accessible Ballot Marking Device (“BMD”) during early voting or on Election Day is still available to voters who prefer to vote in person.

External Link

Request a Mail Ballot

You can request your mail ballot from the NYC Board of Elections

Request Now
External Link

Track my Absentee Ballot

You can track your ballot online from the NYC Board of Elections

Track my Ballot

Key Dates

  • Special Election Day | City Council District 44

    Tue, March 25, 2025
  • Early Voting | City Council District 51 Special Election

    Sat, April 19, 2025 - Sun, April 27, 2025
  • Special Election Day | City Council District 51

    Tue, April 29, 2025
  • Early Voting | Primary Election

    Sat, June 14, 2025 - Sun, June 22, 2025